Hyderabad: In a remarkable display of support and admiration for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a man from Sangareddy district, Nanikanti Narasimhalu, has invited friends and family to his son’s wedding with a unique request. Instead of bringing traditional gifts and presents, Narasimhalu has urged his guests to vote for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. The invitation card features a printed photo of the prime minister alongside the details of the bride and groom. The wedding is set to take place on April 4 in Patancheru. It is not clear if Narasimhalu himself is a member of the BJP, but his gesture showcases his strong support for the party and its leader.
This news comes after the BJP released its second list of 72 candidates for the Lok Sabha elections, including six from Telangana. The party has fielded candidates from various constituencies, including Adilabad (ST), Peddapalli (SC), Medak, Mahbubnagar, Nalgonda, and Mahabubabad (ST). This unique invitation serves as a reminder of the growing popularity and influence of Prime Minister Modi and his party in the country.