For the first time in India,Foundation dedicates to the cause of Endometriosis

Hyderabad : For the first time in India, a foundation dedicated to the cause of Endometriosis and for Endometriosis patients was established in Hyderabad with the goal of raising awareness and assisting in the formulation of health policies that benefit Endometriosis patients, the general public, and women in particular.

Endometriosis is estimated to affect more than 25 million women in India, and it has emerged as a leading cause of infertility among women, causing infertility in 30-50% of them.

Endometriosis is one of the most common medical conditions in the world, but it is also one of the most overlooked, misdiagnosed, and misunderstood. It affects 1 in 10 women and those born female, from puberty to menopause, and the effects can last a lifetime.

It is a condition that can cause chronic pelvic pain, painful periods, painful sex, bowel and bladder problems, fatigue, difficulty getting pregnant and other symptoms.

Endometriosis has significant social, public health and economic consequences as it severely impacts physical, mental and social well- being of the patient. The debilitating pain during periods, sexual intercourse, heavy bleeding, chronic pelvic pain, fatigue and infertility decreases overall quality of life.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr Vimee Bindra states, “It is going to take us all, working together, to tackle one of the world’s greatest healthcare challenges. It’s appalling that no one is aware about Endometriosis in our society, when in fact it’s as common as diabetes. Drastic action is necessary to successfully respond to this debilitating condition. It is time to build a better healthcare ecosystem for all who need it now, and will in the future. I hope that this Foundation shall be the start of real change for the Endometriosis community. We will not rest until tangible improvements are delivered to all those people who unfortunately suffer from this condition. ”

To tackle this silent debilitating condition in our country, the Endometriosis Foundation of India has been initiated. The Foundation is headquartered in Hyderabad with advocacy groups throughout the country.

The foundation was the brain child of Dr Vimee Bindra – Fertility Enhancing Surgery Specialist: Endometriosis Excision Surgery Specialist & Co-Founder “ENDOCRUSADERS”.

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