HEALTH NINJALifestyle Niche

In just 24 hours, India has recorded 10,302 Covid cases

India recorded 10,302 Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, down 7% from the previous day’s total, according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) on Saturday.
Meanwhile, 276 people have died in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of people killed to 4,65,349.
For 43 days in a row, the daily increase in new infections was less than 20,000, and for 146 days, it was less than 50,000.
Kerala had 204 fatalities, followed by 15 in Maharashtra, nine in West Bengal, thirteen in Tamil Nadu, four in Karnataka, three each in Punjab and Odisha, two each in Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Mizoram, and Puducherry, and one each in Assam, Gujarat, Sikkim, Rajasthan, and Telangana.
The country’s total number of active cases has dropped to 1,24,868 — the lowest level in 531 days.
With 120 and 119 cases, respectively, Chennai and Coimbatore accounted for the majority of new infections.
For the past 47 days, the daily positivity rate has been 0.96, or less than 2%. The positivity rate for the week was 0.93 percent. For the past 57 days, it has remained below 2%.

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