Youth DeckNews Bulletin

Ragging Takes Toll: Gandhi Medical College Suspends MBBS Student for a Year

Hyderabad, 21 October : The issue of ragging in educational institutions has been a persistent problem in India, and the recent incident at Gandhi Medical College in Hyderabad is a stark reminder of this troubling trend. A third year MBBS student has been suspended for a year by the college for ragging five junior students at the boys’ hostel. The victim, who had bravely reported the incident to the anti-ragging committee, had been subjected to physical exercises by the senior student, causing distress and fear among the freshers.

The committee, led by the college principal Dr K. Ramesh Reddy and hospital superintendent Dr M. Raja Rao, took swift action and found the senior student guilty. This suspension sends a strong message against ragging and serves as an example that such behavior will not be tolerated. The college authorities have also urged newcomers to not be afraid and have warned seniors of zero tolerance towards ragging.

This incident is not an isolated one, as just a few months ago, ten MBBS students were suspended for ragging juniors. It is high time that strict measures are taken to curb this shameful act and protect students from any form of harassment in educational institutions.

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