
My Blood Boils seeing our democracy becoming a mobocracy…!!

According to a Reuters report, Between 2010 and mid-2017, there were 63 cow dysfunctional attacks in India, mostly after the Modi government came to power in 2014. At least 28 Indians – 24 of them Muslims – were killed and 124 injured in these attacks between 2010 and June 2017.
A week ago, a young Muslim man was beaten to death by the mob – with a brutal assault on the video. Binded by a pole, they were forced to chant “Jai Shri Ram”.
Later, the person identified as 24-year-old Tabrez Ansari was beaten until it died in the hands of a Hindu mob in the eastern state of Jharkhand. Ansari’s death, who had been married less than two months ago and crying and begging for mercy in the video, protested in cities across India. His family says that he was given similar threat by the police when he had begun to be treated under the custody of the wire as he was in custody for treatment. Police have arrested at least 11 people for the attack.
After 10 minutes of attack video being viral, international media coverage linked the recently released United States Commission on International Religious Freedom Report, which eliminates communal tension which has been an increase in the leadership of PM Modi.
Just two days after the attack on Ansari, a 26-year-old Muslim teacher who taught in religious seminary was thrown out of a train in eastern state West Bengal. Hafiz Mohammad Haldar was traveling when a crowd chanted ‘Jai Shri Ram’ and pushed him out of the train. Hafeez managed to escape death with minor injuries.
In the same week, on June 27, a Muslim cab driver, 25-year-old Faisal Usman Khan was beaten by a group of men for a few minutes in Mumbai at night, the famous metropolitan city of India. When Faizal asked for mercy, people asked him to chant Jai Shri Ram, which is now a rally for Hindu nationalists in the country.
The American Human Rights Commission has condemned Ansari’s death, which looks at the recognizable patterns of hate crimes against minorities.

Immediately after Modi was re-elected as Prime Minister of India on May 23, he gave a promising speech to assure the Muslims welfare. But in the five years of Modi’s tenure in power, hatred crime increased against Muslims; Statistics show that after coming to power in Modi, about 90% religious hatred has been committed in the last decade.

After Ansari’s assassination, Modi said that he had “pain” to hear about this and he asked for “the most possible punishment”. But a week before, in the presence of Prime Minister , the Indian legislator, chanted Jai Shri Ram and Vande Matram .
Most of the Indian states which have shaped most of Narendra Modi’s ‘New India’ by BJP have emerged a new trend. The idea of ​​India is the idea of ​​solidarity, inclusiveness, and acceptance, but the new India works on the contrary. So far, in different places like Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Rajasthan, people were killed in the name of cow, some trends of hate crimes were also seen when Muslim, Dalit, Adivasi, and North East Indians were attacked by a group of people.
The dangerous trend is that online mobs (trolls) have come into play by provoking people through fake Whatsapp messages to kill innocent people. Even the government-appointed officer Sukanta Chakraborty was also killed by a mob in Tripura state when he visited. Recently, after rumor spreading over the social media by the mob, five people were killed that they were a hair smuggler. Over a dozen people have been killed across India since May, mainly violence through messages through whatsapp service.
The Supreme Court (SC) in its verdict said that dismissing the crowd is a crime, whatever the motive and added that it is an issue of law and order which is the responsibility of the state governments. In particular, all the states have reported such incidents that are ruled by BJP and Modi and always remain silent on such important issues.
Who can be blamed for such crimes? Is the government responsible Or is lining a social evil?
My blood boils…Myself, who is a very strong supporter of Communal Harmony condemn this type of heinous act and request PM Narendra Modi to select the issue of ‘mob violence’ seriously. If we claim to be real Hindu then how come any Hindu can Murder or do crime in the name of “Shri Ram” or dharma? Ridiculous. These so-called only acting upon their own criminal ideology in the name of Dharma.
And Dear Modi Ji only condolence won’t serve the purpose. People elected Government for a peaceful, Protective and prosperous nation. The ruling Government should send a strict message against these crimes. High time to act otherwise it will become normal like rape and murder.
And attacking a helpless man and killing him is inhuman. Such people live in our society as a normal human. They are animal and that is very scary. Those who are part of such mob, they are not eligible for mercy and they should be kept in life imprisonment. Immediate and strict punishment can only stop the incidents of the crowd. The law, which is applicable, must be implemented effectively, otherwise, it will be like the Nirbhaya Act and may fail to stop the crimes.

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