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Sexual Harassment in Pakistan’s Job Market

A woman in Pakistan faced sexual advances while applying for a job on the Indeed website. Adina Hira shared the incident on social media, detailing her experiences and sharing screenshots of her conversations with job posters. She expressed her shock and frustration at the situation, stating that being a girl in Pakistan is difficult.

In the screenshots, Hira was told that she needed to cooperate with the boss regarding any activities and spend quality time with him. Another screenshot showed her arranging meetings, managing travel arrangements, attending calls, and fulfilling special tasks for the boss.

The post was shared on July 23 and has been reacted to by numerous people. Some have called for Hira to call the hiring manager out on LinkedIn, while others have suggested filing an appeal for harassment with the federal ombudsperson. Bilal Khan also praised Hira for exposing the criminal employer and urging girls to not fear these individuals, regardless of the money they offer or whoever they are.

A fourth user commented on the situation, stating that if the hiring manager demands sexual favors casually from employees, it raises questions about his actions towards others who are already working for him.

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