NUJ (I) strongly condemns the "insult heaped" on Journo by Cong leader Rahul Gandhi

NUJ (I) strongly condemns the “insult heaped” on Journo by Cong leader Rahul Gandhi

New Delhi: The National Union of Journalists (India), which represents journalists across the country, strongly condemns the “insult heaped” on a professional journalist by Congress leader and ex-MP Rahul Gandhi during a press conference today, March 25, 2023.

The reporter from a television channel was only doing his duty by asking a question. If Rahul Gandhi was not interested in answering the question, he could have just refused to answer but to make “personal insinuations” against a professional journalist was uncalled for.

Ironically, Rahul Gandhi, who claimed that “Indian democracy is under attack”, himself behaved in a manner that “was undemocratic” even as all TV channels were carrying his PC live. Not only this, when Rahul Gandhi made these “uncalled for” remarks, the senior leaders seated with him laughed, heaping “further insult” on the journalist.

The NUJ demands an unqualified apology from Rahul Gandhi as well as the Congress for their “undemocratic” behaviour.

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