Texas: The Indian student community in the US is once again mourning the loss of another young life as Rohit Reddy, a 26-year-old student from Mahabubabad, Telangana, passed away after a three-month battle for life following an accident in Texas.
The accident, which took place on April 13, left Rohit with severe injuries and multiple brain strokes. He was immediately hospitalized, but unfortunately, his injuries were too severe for him to recover. His body is expected to be brought back to his hometown in Gundrathimadugu village for the last rites. This incident comes just days after another student from Telangana, Mohammed Amir Ahmed, was also hospitalized after a road accident in the US.
These incidents are not isolated cases as there has been a concerning rise in the number of Indian students becoming victims of such mishaps in the US in recent months. It is a tragic reminder of the risks and challenges that international students face while studying abroad.